Saturday, August 31, 2019

Christian Worldview and Culture Essay

Today’s cultural landscape has been shaped by the likes of MTV (entertainment), Steve Jobs (technology), and Mark Zuckerberg (social networking). Society often prefers accepting the â€Å"worldviews† of these and other influential people, rather than hearing the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ which offers redemption to a â€Å"fallen† world. We cannot ignore the reality that a vast majority of cultural advancements are produced by â€Å"non-Christian culture-makers, who, as they become more self-conscious and consistent with their anti-Christian stance, will express their unbelief in their artifacts with increasing boldness. Christians cannot dismiss the impact and relevance these contributions have made on society. One of the great challenges believers are confronted with is developing an understanding of the importance of expressing and sharing our Christian worldview in the midst of various competing ideologies. One of the hidden ideologies that secular culture promotes is that we can â€Å"take care of ourselves† thus, refuting any notion that we are dependent on Christ to meet every human need, including the need for salvation. Christian disengagement from culture is contrary to Christ’s example of Incarnation. Christ did not consider human culture unworthy of his attention and love. He set aside his divinity and put on human flesh so that he could engage us on a social and cultural level. The great commission is an affirmation of Christ’s desire for his followers to â€Å"go into all the word†, engaging culture and preaching the gospel. What is â€Å"Culture†? Culture can be defined using three different approaches: agricultural, sociological, and anthropological. The agricultural approach to defining culture â€Å"is derived from the Latin cultura†¦ meaning to plow or till. † Culture is understood from a farming or agricultural perspective which entails the â€Å"practice of cultivating the soil, producing crops, and raising livestock. † The reference to someone being â€Å"cultured† is drawn from this farming metaphor. Education in this sense is the â€Å"cultivation† of the mind. The sociological approach to defining culture deals with social class distinctions of â€Å"high† (elite) and â€Å"low† (mass) culture. This aesthetic standpoint is mainly concerned with the â€Å"intellectual and artistic achievements of a society. † High culture is associated with the highest ideals of what is (in a subjective sense) â€Å"good†. A cultured person is one who has been acquainted with and educated in the â€Å"finer things† of art, literature, music, etiquette, socialization, as so on. The anthropological perspective regarding culture is concerned with â€Å"the whole way of life of a group or society, not just its better achievements. † Unlike the sociological perspective, this approach does not make distinctions between sophisticated and primitive social groups. It simply acknowledges that all â€Å"activity† which is produced by a social group (texts, art, music, food, artifacts, philosophy, ethics, etc. is that group’s culture. H. Richard Niebuhr states, â€Å"[S]ocial life is always cultural† and culture is the product of â€Å"human achievement†. Humanity Was Created For â€Å"Good Works† Culture, as expressed by the creativity of human activity, is a reflection of God who Himself is a creative being. Human understanding of order and beauty is only possible because of God’s magnificent creation of the heavens and the earth. God validated the beauty of creation when He â€Å"saw all that he had made†¦ was very good† (Genesis 1:31). Man and woman were created in the divine image and likeness (imago dei) of God and were entrusted by God to care for and tend to His creation. Man was given the responsibility of â€Å"cultivating† the Garden of Eden and in doing so bringing glory to the Creator. Here we should take notice between the similarities of the word cultura (plow, till) and cultus which is a â€Å"veneration of the divine†. This should give us a greater insight regarding how â€Å"the human race [was] called to interact deliberately with the earth—[working, tilling, cultivating]—while at the same time lovingly serving his divine Master†¦ and worshiping his Maker. Adam â€Å"performed his culturative activities in response to and as a reflection of God’s creative acts. † Competing Worldviews All of humanity’s artistic and creative works reflect the worldview of those who created them. As a result of the Fall the imago dei has become distorted, causing humanity to shift the focus of their creative and culturative activities away from exclusive worship to God. As a result humanity has developed â€Å"unholy motives†¦ even though superficially [our creative activities] may be of some benefit. Man’s creative outlet is disoriented—seeking to glorify himself through the works of his own hands. Once we understand that all human creative efforts are a reflection of the inner beliefs and values of the mind and spirit, we can assess the intention of human activity properly. The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) was the product of human efforts to succeed, using human ability, independent of God. Today’s â€Å"pop† culture seeks to create a new Babel in which human achievement and technological advancement create the false notion that we can live independent of God, or even worse, have no need of God. Thus, culture always reflects a society’s religious and philosophical values, â€Å"[flowing] out of the heart—as it were—of the society which produces it. † A Christian worldview based on God’s Word will discern the â€Å"the ideological bias of the medium and ideological content of the message of non-Christian (and Christian) artifacts. † This is essential for the Christian because there is no neutrality in the message embedded in the works of man. We are not idle spectators, â€Å"[We] must take sides at all times in everything [we] do. † Christian Approach to Culture (Christ and Culture) There has been much debate as to the extent in which Christians are to engage the culture that we live and worship in. Should Christians adapt a Monastic approach secluding ourselves from society? Or, are we to engage the world in such manner that our Christian distinctiveness is lost? H. Richard Niebuhr, in his book Christ and Culture, suggests several â€Å"Christian answers to the problem of Christ and culture. † Niebuhr offers five approaches Christians have historically taken in an effort to understand their position in Christ and involvement with culture. These are: â€Å"Christ against culture,† â€Å"Christ of culture,† â€Å"Christ above culture,† â€Å"Christ and culture in paradox,† and â€Å"Christ the transformer of culture. † The â€Å"Christ against culture† approach proposes that loyalty to Christ is a â€Å"rejection of cultural society†. He critiques this stance as a â€Å"radically Christian answer to the problem of culture†. Indeed, it is impossible for a Christian, or any person, to totally reject and remove themselves from the influence of and involvement with culture. God has taken the opposite approach. He did not reject the world when Adam sinned, but rather engaged the world and put into motion the plan of redemption through Jesus Christ. Christ stepped into our earthly realm and became subject to the influences and temptations of human culture â€Å"yet was without sin† (Hebrews 4:15). Christ’s relationship to culture was to use the elements of culture to reveal God the Father and the Kingdom of Heaven to fallen humanity. The second model, â€Å"Christ of culture,† is the opposite of the â€Å"against culture† model. It seeks social and cultural engagement with the world. It attempts to make the gospel meaningful to society by extending its reach beyond â€Å"a selected little band of saints† and is able to engage those of â€Å"high† and â€Å"low† social strata. While the effort to make Christ a part of culture may reach those who would remain otherwise unreached, there is a susceptibility to â€Å"distort the figure of the New Testament Jesus† in an effort to accommodate a social-gospel agenda. This is done by relegating Jesus into what we need him to be in an attempt to address our social and cultural problems. Jesus is a great humanitarian if we are fighting for human rights or a great teacher if we are engaged in philosophical debate. Again, this model can be useful in reaching out to the culture, but we cannot compromise the truthfulness of the gospel for a specific social agenda. The third paradigm is â€Å"Christ above culture†. This view proposes that â€Å"the fundamental issue does not lie between Christ and the world†¦ but between God and man. † By placing Christ at the center, and not against culture, this approach avoids separating â€Å"the experience of grace from cultural activity†. There are three distinct groups in this category: â€Å"synthesists,† â€Å"dualists,† and â€Å"conversionists†. Synthesists affirm â€Å"Christ and culture† (both/and) rejecting a â€Å"Christ or culture† (either/or) approach. They maintain that Jesus â€Å"is both God and man, one person with two natures† and that the works of human nature cannot be separated from the grace of God, â€Å"for all those works are possible only by grace. † Essentially, Christ cannot be against culture because God created nature. Likewise Christ’s incarnation allowed him to actively participate nd engage with the culture of his day. One area that could lead to problems in this approach is by synthesizing Christ and culture in such a manner where Christ becomes subservient to culture. If culture assumes the dominant role in this synthesis, the Church will risk becoming more â€Å"cultural† and less Christ-like because it has elevated culture to the same status as Christ through whom all things were made and exist and â€Å"without him nothing was made that has been made† (John1:3). The dualist approach sees â€Å"Christ and culture in paradox†. This view â€Å"makes sharp distinctions between the temporal and the spiritual life, or between what is external and internal, between body and soul, between the reign of Christ and the world of human works and culture. † There is a line drawn between God and â€Å"us†. In the dualist’s view all of human culture is fallen. For dualists the works of Christians within the church and non-Christians outside of the church are equally corrupt. The dualists are in a state of paradox since they cannot reconcile the concept of â€Å"law† and â€Å"grace†. They fail to realize that Christ came to earth to remove the line of separation between man and God. As Christians we must understand that while the world is in a fallen state and under â€Å"law†, at the same time it is under â€Å"grace† and we are to â€Å"go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation† (Mark 16:15). The third group that embraces a â€Å"Christ above culture† paradigm is the conversionists. â€Å"What distinguishes conversionists from dualists is their more positive and hopeful attitude toward culture. Conversionists see Christ as the transformer of culture. They embrace the redemptive work of Christ in the here and now. They are not looking to some eschatological future where one day they all will be restored. The conversionists have a hopeful outlook regarding culture and look forward to its restoration from a corrupt state. â€Å"Christ transforms the fallen culture in that â€Å"he redirects, reinvigorates, and re generates† the life of man from a corrupted state. Once man has been regenerated, he will produce â€Å"good works†. The transformative power of Christ in the life of fallen humanity redeems us: â€Å"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them† (Eph. 2:10). It is not our works which cause us to be redeemed but rather, our works are a testimony to the world that we are no longer bound by the curse of sin and corruption. Conclusion Because we live in a period of world history that offers the greatest tools and opportunities for cultural engagement, we cannot ignore the importance of understanding Christ role, through the Church, in today’s culture. To engage with culture, theology and ecclesiology needs to be both critical and artistic†¦ such engagements require theology to be open to the insights of cultural studies and alert to the ways in which contemporary culture is shaping religion. † Social networking sites, email, iPhones, cable TV, movies, music, art, and literature are the vehicles th at are being used to promote the beliefs and values of our society. Satan has done a great job in using culture to enslave society, tempting us to sin and forfeit our relationship with God our Creator. Our fleshly appetites are satisfied by images of sexuality, greed, power, and self-assertion. The danger of a culturally advanced society is that it seeks to replace God with its achievements. It seeks salvation, joy, peace, and prosperity via its own human efforts and imaginations. Because we have been brought from â€Å"darkness to light† we must shine the light of the gospel of Christ by engaging the culture in which we live, work, play, and worship. For this reason, every Christian must â€Å"seize the opportunity that the contemporary circumstances present to us and boldly set out to transform the earth. †

Friday, August 30, 2019

Request for Proposal

Technical Writing Fundamental 18 August 2010 Microsoft Computer Desktop Software Training Request for Proposals General Information Prestige Worldwide is preparing to upgrade its computer desktop operating systems and productivity software applications from Windows Vista to Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010. Part of the implementation plan is to provide training for all software applications within Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010 to all thirty employees.Summary Currently, Prestige Worldwide, Information Technology Division is planning to upgrade our company’s computer software to Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010. Making training available for all thirty employees will be part of the software upgrade plan. Prestige Worldwide desires to enter into a contracted agreement with a software training vendor for the training needs of this software upgrade project, as well as for other â€Å"as needed† software application training needs.Recent surveys conducted by the IT Division on training topics, showed in addition to traditional classroom instruction, there was a high percent of company employees who prefer to receive their training via online methods. Survey revealed that those who preferred classroom training, preferred to receive training â€Å"on-site. † As result of company employee surveys, we will be looking toward facilitating these training needs within our organization. Prestige Worldwide will be soliciting vendors that can facilitate both classroom instruction and online web based training.We may select multiple vendors to satisfy our training requirement providing both classroom instruction, and online web-based training. Prestige Worldwide- Information Technology Division (IT) will award the contracted services to the vendor(s) that provide the best value for the desired methods to meet our company training needs. Prestige Worldwide will provide on-site classroom facilities at its San Diego Ca office location, which can accommodate training from one to a group of 30 employees. If you have any question about this proposal, please contact: Dale Doback or Brennan HuffInformation Technology Manger Prestige Worldwide Inc. 4545 Viewridge Ave San Diego, Ca 92123 Office: (619)964-2938 E-Mail: [email  protected] com Purpose As part of the operating system up date to the Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010, upgrade. Prestige Worldwide desires to make available software training to all its company employees to assimilate to the new software functions and to maintain level of proficiency, as well as to learn all the new capabilities and features that will increase the skill set of the user of Windows 7 and Microsoft Office Professional 2010.Prestige Worldwide is looking for training that will accomplish this objective. Among criteria and specifications are, but not limited to * Training levels: Beginning, Intermediate, and Advance for 30 employees. * Provide assessment too l for proper course level. * Ability to complete all required training for 30 employees within the allotted 3-week timeframe. * Core desktop software training for Microsoft Office 2010, Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access and Publisher * Microsoft Certified Trainers * Onsite Instructor-led training Fully hosted, online web-based training * Customized training * Provide course materials, training aids, and related training software. Response and Performance Expectations Executive Summary Provide a brief summary describing training, offerings, and methods. Description of Organization and Qualifications Provide a description of the business, history, and organizational structure of the organization. Experience on similar training engagements Summaries or brief descriptions of minimum of three training engagements that are similar to the requirements of this training.References must be for services provides within the past two years. Include the name of the client and a point of co ntact, date of training provided. Post-Training Support Detail any post-training support and resources that are available once training is completed. Pricing Provide detailed pricing of all cost associated for the desired training. Please Include any additional cost that may be incurred. To include * Assessment testing * Training materials * Training computer setup * Group classes onsite * Individual training * Online, web-based trainingVendor Submittals Response to the RFP must include the following information * Name, address and telephone number of your company * List of individuals and/or vendors comprising the team for this project and what specific role each role will take in completing the work. * Provide a detailed summary of your experience in similar training engagements. Include names, address, and phone numbers of clients. Vendors may include the following supplemental material You may provide any material not specifically required as supplemental information.Additional material may include the following. * Additional information, and/or descriptions of similar training engagements you have completed. * Additional promotional material describing your firm and its services. * Additional customer references. Selection Criteria Contract award will be based on pricing, and performance. The following criteria shall be used to evaluate the proposals. * The proven ability of the training methods to meet IT’s objectives and experience in similar training engagements. * Understanding of the roject and responsiveness to the RFP * Staff assigned * Cost Prestige Worldwide anticipates working with the most qualified vendor during Selection in order to assure the training proposed fully meets the Company’s needs. As a result, final cost of the contract may vary from the submitted cost. Submission Information Responses to the RFP must be submitted on or before October 20, 2010 at 4:00pm PST.Responses can be delivered by mail, delivery, or personally to: Prestige Worldwide Contracting Office 4545 Viewridge Ave San Diego, Ca 92123 Attention: Dale Doback or Brennan Huff RE: Microsoft Computer Desktop Software Training Schedule of Activities Please note that dates are subject to change based on Prestige Worldwide- Information Technology needs. Items Dates RFP Issue DateOctober 01, 2010 Proposal Inquiry DeadlineOctober 05, 2010 Response in Writing, to QuestionsOctober 10, 2010 RFP Submission DeadlineOctober 20, 2010 DiscussionsOctober 21, 2010 Anticipated Award of ContractNovember 01, 2010

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Interpretation poem

Creative Interpretation Interpret one of the poems from the course In a new material form: visual, sculptural, audio, video, and/or digital. Successful creative interpretations will go beyond portraying the thematic content of the poem and represent its formal, historical, and/or material aspects as well. Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the poem. Rate a meaningful and complex relationship between materiality and meaning. Show that significant thought and effort has been put into the project. Your interpretation should integrate the complete text of your poem into the project in some way so that your Interpretation could be understood by an audience that hasn't read the poem. Please note that a broadside does not meet the â€Å"significant thought and effort† requirements of this project. 2.Essay Write an essay of 900-1200 words that analyzes your chosen poem and articulates how your artistic choices in your creative interpretation respond to specific thematic, formal, h istorical, and/or material aspects of the poem. Successful essays will give relevant background information about the poem. Offer a thesis statement that clearly articulates how the creative interpretation uses material features to respond to the poem. Analyze specific aspects of the poem? quoting where appropriate?that are relevant to the project's artistic choices. Leary describe how the project uses specific material features to construct an Interpretation of the poem. Be written In a formal academic style. You can assume that your reader has seen your project, so you can focus on analyzing rather than describing it. You can use â€Å"l† in this essay to refer to your choices, but the essay should focus on the poem and the project rather than your pinions, beliefs, motivations, etc. Your creative interpretation will be due in person during our final class session on Wednesday, June 4 at 3:30.Your essay will be due online by Monday, June 9 at 3:mom. Please note: the poem yo u choose for this project must be different from the ones you choose for your micro-essay portfolio and your broadside. Final Project Grading Rubric Creative Interpretation poem, including relevant formal, historical, and/or material aspects. Execution. The choice of medium is fruitful for the project; specific material choices are interesting, meaningful, and effective. Effort. The project demonstrates a significant amount of thought and effort.Essay Poem Analysis. The essay offers a compelling analysis of the poem, focusing on aspects most relevant to the project and quoting where appropriate. Project Analysis. The essay analyzes specific material choices of the creative interpretation in detail. Organization & Writing. The essay has a clear organizational structure, including an introduction, paragraphs with topic sentences, transitions, and a conclusion; the essay uses formal academic prose conventions.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Unconscious Patient Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Unconscious Patient - Essay Example In the case study, Spencer had a GCS of 7/15 and did not respond to verbal commands. However, he responded centrally to painful stimuli. This score is usually associated with a state of coma. Research shows that patients with GCS scores between the range of 3 and 8 are often comatose, or are unconscious such that they cannot interact with their immediate environments. From these information, it is clear that the verbal response on the patient failed and thus some stimuli was needed to obtain a response from him. He was therefore not aware of the surroundings. The Trapezium squeeze was used to twist Spencer’s muscle so that Julia could assess his response to painful stimuli (Sternbach, 2000). I would recommend that Julia also try to observe the patient’s motor response by giving some commands such as â€Å"lift your legs from the bed†,   so that his weaknesses can be noted. In addition, inconsistent and inaccurate recordings could have a harmful effect on the pa tient’s comfort and may affect his care plan. I recommend that Julia or any other nurse handling the patient be educated on how to use the tool correctly so that potential irregularities could be addressed. QN.3. deteriorating changes that may occur as a result of the collapse and how the patient will respond to those changes in his GCS status The patient in this context may experience deterioration in his consciousness provided that there is an underlying problem with his brain due to head injury. When the patient loses consciousness, the tongue often fall back in his pharynx and blocks the airway. He loses the cough reflex, and regurgitated stomach contents or blood are aspirated into his lungs. The patient should therefore have his airway supported by slanting the head and lifting... Factors that can lead to secondary brain injuries include hypercapnia, intracranial hypertension, hypotension, and hypoxia. To prevent these factors, interventions need to begin in the pre-hospital care phase and go on into the critical care unit. Recognizing these factors in the early stages as well as timely intervention can enhance the neurologic effect of the patient with brutal head injuries. One of the oral medications prescribed to treat patients with Diabetes 2 is Glyburide. conventionally used as antiglycemic medication, this drug is meant to block entrà ©e to the sulphonylurea receptors, thus effectively drain edema, intracranial pressure, and swelling brought about by secondary brain injury; consequences that can come about in the days after the initial injury. However, research in animals indicate that glyburide is effective in preventing the adverse effects of secondary brain injury, though it works more effectively if the patient takes it prior to the second injury.

HCV homologs in nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

HCV homologs in nature - Essay Example Viruses are one of the microbes that have caused severe harm to human life and health. Out of the whole pool of viruses, is hepatitis C virus that has infected around 3% of the global population. The question of finding a HCV homolog in other animals is essential to probe deeper into its phylogenetic linkage in nature. This review highlights the homolog Hepatitis C Virus in infected dogs termed as Canine Hepatitis C virus, and in healthy horses as well as bats. A whole array of techniques has been discussed in detail employed by the scientists in these discoveries such as nested PCR, RT- PCR as well as microarray techniques. Recently, rodent models have also been reported using these techniques owing to the ease of handling and ethically appropriate. A comparison of the novel viruses reported by different scientists was also compared in order to assess the similarities and differences between these viruses. With such findings at our disposal, scientists can better understand disease mechanisms and thus conduct quality research in disease prevention in terms of vaccine development as well as cure. Viruses have been the ‘danger microbes’ since centuries. The world has suffered great losses in many pandemics such as 1918 flu pandemic targeting roughly around 50 -100 million people which makes 5% of the world population at that time. (Patterson, 1991) (Johnson, 2002). History has witnessed many such disease disasters such as AIDS pandemic in 1981 killing around 25 million people. (Mawar, 2005). With human life so vulnerable to viruses, it is of utmost importance to study the impact of novel viruses on human health. It is now believed that many animal viruses cause two-thirds of infectious diseases in humans. For example, the Nipah, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Ebola viruses have been found abundantly in bats in a study conducted by researchers in Columbia University and Eco-health Alliance. During a four-year study from 2006 – 20 10, hundreds of urine and fecal samples of bats were tested for viral sequences. Results showed the prevalence of nine virus families in the samples and discovery of 50 novel viruses (ten of which had similarity with Nipah virus, and was responsible for many outbreaks in South Asia). (Kupperschmidt, 2013) Hsieh et al discovered a novel strain of swine Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pigs which was thought to be the causal agent in more than 10% non-A, non-B and non-C hepatitis patients in Taiwan. (Hseih, 1999) Thus, it becomes important to study the origin of novel viruses and the extent of danger they pose to human beings. The scope of this paper describes the connection between these viruses and human disease and the techniques used in identification of such viruses. Key Technologies Used Quan et al applied Unbiased High Throughput Sequencing technique for assessment of the serum specimens collected from 415 healthy bats that represented seven families, 26 genera and 33 species in taxo nomic classification; these inhabited five countries - Guatemala, Democratic Republic of China, Nigeria, Cameroon and Kenya. (Quan, 2013) Unbiased High Throughput Screening (UHTS) is one of the best techniques known until now that enable the discovery of novel pathogens. Many novel pathogens have been identified using this technique. Palacios et al reported the discovery of novel arena virus that usually causes mild illness but numerous fatal infections have been identified in patients with solid-organ transplantation. (Palacios, 2008) UHTS provides the advantage that it is unbiased by nature and provides full opportunity to probe the entire tree of life. The protocol of novel pathogen discovery involves amplification and sequencing, raw sequences are assorted into non-redundant sequence sets. Sequences that are unique are assembled into contiguous sequences which are then compared against sequence databases using computational softwares. These softwares match these sequences at nuc leotide and amino

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Developing Jypothetical multi attribute table and brief decription Essay

Developing Jypothetical multi attribute table and brief decription - Essay Example The negative coefficient of the price attribute confirms that reduced price increases the probability of purchase. As deals are quite crucial in the stimulation of purchases for the dealt brand, the addition of promotion attributes should increase the ability of the model to explain the behaviour. There is no direct measure of promotion in the data. The information provided is on sales, advertising and price (Ehrenberg, 1972). Because it is quite reasonable to expect a promotion to be accompanied by price change, heavy item movement or even advertsing may infer a deal in effect by the presence of any of those. Any of these occurences may not be relieble at all and therefore, the product will be identified through promotion if any only if these tow things are present. The attribute on promotion will be implemented as a dummy variable which will indicate if the product was identified to be on promotion at the time of the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Mangment 3000 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mangment 3000 - Research Paper Example What is even more interesting is the fact that EI has received its due place within different literature subjects and also been termed as an applicable entity in a number of domains and applications (Sala 2006). The first usage of the term EI is accredited on the shoulders of Wayne Payne as he brought the philosophy of emotional intelligence in front of everyone through his doctoral thesis. Indeed this formed the basis for eventual growth and development within this very field and thus many researchers and theorists started to work individually to find out more and more about the manner in which emotions brought about a significant change within people’s personalities. I have supported the basis of EI because it has been based on the earliest works of Darwin and hence there is solid evidence available which manifests its genuineness. The emotional intelligence domains suggest the emotional expression which are required for an individual’s survival and his adaptation with the environment of which he is a part. The non-cognitive concepts have been given significance with the passage of time under the aegis of EI and this is indeed a very important basis for comprehending where the success domains have cropped up from in the recent times. The three main models of EI include the ability EI models, the mixed models and lastly the trait EI models. The ability-based model is used to decipher the ability to consume the emotional basis as well as mix together the emotional side with the thought process, which in return makes the whole domain of emotions understandable and helps in growth and development of an individual over a period of time (Nelson 2007). The mixed models of EI take care of the emotional competencies (Goleman) model and the bar-on model of emotional-social intelligence (ESI). Similarly, the trait EI model is a combination of emotions which are boxed within self perceptions; however the same are situated within

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Strategic management of small firms Research Proposal

Strategic management of small firms - Research Proposal Example Such firms include entrepreneurial ventures and also business trading entities. The paper is an exploratory study and draws upon existing literature and case studies of small firms to develop the proposed model. Future research scope and applicability has also been discussed. Small firms have been long neglected over the strategic management roles and issues. The problems of identification of factors that influence small firms’ strategic decisions have been restricted to leadership roles and planning techniques. The paper is aimed at resolving this very issue by identification of a framework for strategic management within small firms. Small scale industries have been the key to economic development for most of the countries during their development stage. Studies prove that they contribute towards a major portion of a country’s GDP and growth. This has also led to a huge rise in research in the economic activity of small scale enterprises. However, most research in the field did not prove to be quite resourceful, primarily, owing to the failure of identification of problems associated with the study of small scale companies. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate and develop a framework of strategic management within small enterprises by evaluation of strategies adopted by small companies. The research shall also seek answers to the source of competitive advantage of small enterprises that emerge as successful businesses and thereby analyse the strategic management factors that influence success in small firms. The research rationale in the context of this study is whether there exists any significant difference between the strategic management employed within small firms and that within large firms. If this holds true then, the research seeks to explore the factors that are responsible for strategic management within small firms. The research

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 7

Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example It is highly important for the organization to examine and understand the nature of consumer behavior so that the organizations can offer products and services considering the needs of target customers. Flagship brand stores are gaining huge popularity in the world due to growing demand for this shopping culture and behavior. Now-a-days, the concept of flagship brand store is changing significantly. Currently, retailers are refining the concept of the flagship brand stores to the themed retail flagship brand stores. This strategy helps people to do shopping with sheer entertainment. This essay will try to discuss about a sports themed pub situated in Central London. In addition to this, the essay will also analyze the symbolic meaning of sports themed pub. London can be considered as one of the happening places in the United Kingdom. Moreover, people of this area love to watch different sporting events. Cricket and English Premier League are the popular sporting events in the United Kingdom. People of UK love to spend their leisure time by watching these sporting events and they also love to spend their valuable time behind this. There have been significant upsurge of economic expansion of sports in Western culture (Barker, 2012, p.7). These sporting events have extensive opportunities to stimulate far-reaching, capability building and environmental awareness for economic, social and environmental growth. The concept of opening sports themed bar has been developed by contacting the local chamber of commerce. The marital status, income level, gender and age of customers within the locality also have been considered in this concept development process. One of the improved popular venues by marketers for building consumer relationship is the flagship themed brand store (Cheverton, 2006, p.77). Furthermore, it is believed that retail market has become more fragmented and diverse than that of giving consumers overloaded

Friday, August 23, 2019

Experiential Exercise Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Experiential Exercise - Case Study Example This happened due to several reasons. The most important reason behind this was the switch of female employees to other organizations. When Metropolitan Hospital founded Task Force on Retention and Advancement of Female Executive Positions, it identified three main causes for leaving by female workers: Answer: Duncan Green (2014) has highlighted many benefits of addressing the underlying problems of organizational diversity issues. The changes addressed the underlying problems in a very effective and professional way. Among the three main causes for leaving of Metropolitan Hospital by female workers, the first two were so much important for Metropolitan Hospital and these problems were directly linked with the operations of Metropolitan Hospital. So they ran a retooling program to address these top two concerns. They provided proper guidance, attention and growth prospects to both males and females. In addition to addressing the first two problems, Metropolitan Hospital also tried to solve the third problem that was more linked with the personal lives of the women rather than the professional lives. Metropolitan Hospital offered flexible work time, reduced workloads, and flexible work arrangements to address the family issues and engagements of women. All these restructuring of di versity program delivered good results after some time. Answer: There are certain attributes and functions that are required by managers to successfully implement a diversity program. Department of the Interior Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan (2012) highlights the following priorities and actions required by managers to successfully implement a diversity program: Mangers should run a competitive recruitment process comprising on qualified and experienced group of potential candidates. This principle is important to get high performing workforce drawn from all segments of society Cultivate the seed of an organizational culture in which

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Narrative Feeling Essay Example for Free

Narrative Feeling Essay 1. Identify three quotes from the dialogue that show how Bryce progressed in ethically identifying his emotions. The first quote from the dialogue shows how Bryce progressed in ethically identifying his emotions is â€Å"After a year of applying, interviewing, jumping through all the hoops, I finally realized nothing I did mattered. I just couldn’t take another rejection. The bottom line is, no one wants me.† The second quote that shows how Bryce progressed in ethically identifying his emotions is â€Å"I don’t know. I think they might leave me. We’ve run through our savings. We’re behind on the mortgage. I’m going to lose everything. I feel bad, but I can’t do anything about it.† The third quote that shows how Bryce progressed in ethically identifying his emotions is â€Å"Really? What did you do? I mean, I know you moved away.† See more: how to start a narrative essay 2. Identify and explain, using concepts from the text, at least one example of an obstacle to communicating emotions in the situation.  One example of an obstacle to communicating emotions in the situation is self-protection. Bryce stated that he hasn’t want to talk to anyone in a while which can be an indication that he may not want to express his feelings, in fear of others having information that could affect how they perceive or act towards him. (Wood, 178) 3. Identify and explain at least two examples of irrational beliefs that Bryce holds. Two examples of irrational beliefs that Bryce holds from the dialogue would be when he states â€Å"The bottom line is, no one wants me.† And â€Å"I feel bad, but I can’t do anything about it.† I feel that these beliefs are irrational because they are not true, though Bryce believes they are. He feels that no one wants him, but the case may be that someone else may have been a better fit for the position instead of him. This does not mean that he was not just as qualified as the next applicant. Bryce stated that he stopped looking for jobs about 6 months ago, but if he would have remained dedicated, he may have run into a job by then. He stated that he can’t do anything about this but truthfully, he could have still continued to search for jobs instead of sitting back and doing nothing. 4. Explain, using concepts from the text, how Bryce could use surface acting and deep acting to better align his emotions and behavior with the needs of his job search. Even though Bryce feels that finding employment is hopeless, his body language and facial  expressions will definitely show that. Bryce needs to learn how to effectively control his outward appearance because it will benefit his job search. A positive attitude always helps gain desired results. Showing an outward appearance of drive and determination to gain employment will be more beneficial than his defeated attitude. Bryce could also align his emotions and behavior with the needs of his job search by controlling his feelings of hopelessness and defeat. He should learn that by possessing these feelings, he is already lessening his chances to produce the desired results that he is looking for. 5. Based on the textbook’s guidelines for communicating emotions effectively (p.182– 187), identify and explain at least three ethical strategies Bryce could use to improve his interpersonal communication in this situation. One strategy that Bryce could use to improve his interpersonal communication in this situation is identifying his emotions. The text states that â€Å"recognizing the existence of both feelings allows you to tune in to yourself and to communicate accurately to others what you are experiencing.† (Wood, 182) Bryce needs to separate his feelings of hopelessness and the fact that he feels that no one wants him. Another strategy that he can use is choosing whether or how to express emotions. Bryce seems to be very erratic when it comes to his feelings toward finding a job. Once he can actually determine where his frustration lies and not let it consume and discourage him, he can then decide to or not to communicate his emotions in order to keep them private. Lastly, he can also use the strategy of monitoring self-talk. This would be very helpful to Bryce because he can talk himself into having a more positive outlook regarding his job search, He won’t feel so low when he is turned down for a job opportunity because he will have coached himself to keep searching and continue his drive. Wood, J. (2012). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Boston, MA: Wadsworth.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Pursuit of Happyness Essay Example for Free

The Pursuit of Happyness Essay America is a land of great hope and opportunity, but with its many benefits, there are also flaws, such as a large homeless population. The Pursuit of Happyness is a movie based on a true story about a man named Chris Gardner, and his struggle to live a happy life. Jonathan Kozol’s essay, â€Å"The Homeless and Their Children† is about Laura and her struggle to maintain a good life for herself and her family. Will Smith, as Chris Gardner, in The Pursuit of Happyness is very similar to Laura from â€Å"The Homeless and Their Children† because they both are unable to provide for themselves or for their families, and do not have a stable place to live thus, supporting Kozols picture of homelessness. Both have different causes for being homeless, but share similar effects. Chris Gardner’s story starts in 1981, in San Francisco. He is a very smart and hard worker who deeply cares about his wife, Linda, and son, Christopher. Gardner takes a chance and invests his life savings into a device called a bone-density scanner. He goes around selling these from door to door. Soon the people stop buying it, due to it being expensive. This leaves Chris on his knees, with his wife leaving him and moving to New York, with very little money, and being kicked out of his apartment. His wife tries to take her son, but Gardner refuses. He then applies for a stockbroker position at Dean Witter, but in order to get that position he has to go through training for six months without pay. At the same time, the government takes what little money he has left in his bank account for his taxes. This makes him unable to pay for the rent, leaving him and his son homeless. From this point on, Gardner goes through numerous hardships such as sleeping in a bathroom, searching for a job day by day, and finding a way to feed himself and his son. Chris does not give up at all, but rather works even harder for that one and only position, which is also being pursued by nineteen other people. In one scene, he tells his son â€Å"Hey! Dont ever let somebody tell you You cant do something. Not even me. All right†? Chris finally gets the job, goes to his son, and embraces him. In â€Å"The Homeless and Their Children,† Jonathan Kozol visits the Martinique hotel and interviews one of the homeless families. He decides to call the mother Laura. She has four children and they face many difficulties. Her oldest son has been diagnosed with lead poison, and the youngest daughter with scabies. The hospital keeps sending letters to her, but due to her illiteracy, she is not able to read them, thus preventing her from helping her children. She also has many problems with her home. Her room’s radiator is broken, and the bathroom plumbing has overflowed. Laura has four rooms in her apartment and each is more dangerous than the other one. The screws are loose in the crib; the corners of the beds are sharp and unprotected. Just by being homeless, she has enough problems, but also being illiterate only adds more. Her apartment also has big rats that come out at night and bite sometimes. Laura has gotten into many arguments with the manager of the building and complained to him about fixing the problems â€Å"Why you give my son lead poison and you didn’t care?†(Kozol, p.308) of her apartment, but he just ignores her and says that she is causing trouble for him. On Christmas, her children complain that they did not get any presents, but Laura tells them you will get something soon. Laura faces many numbers of problems each day, but she does not give up. She says â€Å"I figure: Go to church. Pray God. Ask him to help. I go on, my knees, I ask Him from my heart†. (Kozol, p. 309). Chris Gardner and Laura are similar in that they have both made wrong decisions in their lives. Gardener invested in the bone density machine, Laura, being young, got drunk with a boy, and that lead to her having a child. Laura did not believe in abortion so she kept the child however; she should n ot have had any more children since she was not capable of taking care of them by herself. Gardner on the other hand had to only worry about his one son and his son become a motivation for him to exceed in life and be a good father. Another similarity is that both individuals tried to make things better for there families. Laura did her best to read and since she could not read, she tried to understand the pictures she saw in the newspapers, grocery store etc, to help better her life. Gardner was capable of reading but he had a changed in career even though he did not poses the right education for the job that he was going for, he taught himself many things and ended up getting the job. The cause of Gardners ending up homeless was a bad financial decision. The effect of his homelessness was that he was unable to find a suitable place to operate from. He had to bounce around from motels after motels and eventually homeless shelters, which made his life more difficult. Laura ends up being homeless because she never got a chance to be educated, and then she got married very early and had kids, and this became a burden for her. The cause and effect on the society are that people can appreciate the little things they take for granted just by imagining themselves in Laura’s situation, and learn how harsh a life of a homeless person is. The society can learn from this, and thus, choose to help people like Laura by volunteering. The effect of Gardner’s story is that his patience and perseverance became an inspiration to the society. The Pursuit of Happyness portrayal of a homeless person is very similar to Kozol’s portrayal of homelessness. They both are unable to support their families, Gardner cannot find a job, due to Laura’s illiteracy she is unable to reply to the hospital or the welfare department. In this situation for both characters, many things can be done to improve their lives. First of Laura should have done something to keep her childrens father around all the time. When a family supports each other, they are successful and are able to prosper through many hardships. In case of Mr. Gardner, he should have made his early decisions carefully and through consulting family members and other who might have knowledge in the product that he was investing in. These two stories are very similar but with very different endings. In the end, people should not blame problem on themselves or others, instead they should come together and find a solution.

Data Collection And Data Analysis Physical Education Essay

Data Collection And Data Analysis Physical Education Essay The research method plays an essential role in addressing the research objectives with reliable and valid data. This section illustrates how and why a certain approach chosen to answer the research questions. The methodology of this research bases on research onion model (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). The structure of this chapter follows the layers of the research onion model. Figure 0.: The research onion Source:  © Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill 2008 (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012, p.108) 3.1. Research philosophy Selecting the research philosophy is a necessary stage in the research process because it is important to reflect the perspective of a researcher and it also influences directly on the choice of research strategy and research methods (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). In business and management research, the popular philosophies includes positivism, realism interpretivism and pragmatism (Creswell, 2008; Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). Thus, this research should determine the suitable philosophies based on the philosophy theory and the research questions and research objectives stated above. Regarding the theory philosophy, Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill (2012) discuss that there are two key points of view including ontology and epistemology. Firstly, based on ontology, the nature of reality or being of researchers view about the positivist is objective, external and independent with social factors, but researchers view about the interpretivist is subjective, social constructed and changeable depend on the participants (ibid.). On the other hand, on the way of thinking about epistemology, the valid knowledge of researchers view about the positivist focuses on causality, reducing phenomena to simplest elements, data and facts; but researchers view about interpretivist concentrates on social phenomena, feelings attitudes and detail of situations and subjective meaning (ibid., p.119). These viewpoints between ontology and epistemology are difference, and each of them will impact on the way of thinking about the research process. Additionally, the pragmatist research philosop hy tends to be the combination of both positivist and interpretivist. The positivist philosophy is appropriate choice for this research owing to the research objectives to examine the relationships among measurements of an e-learning system success and the using e-learning system of students to support their KM. Regarding ontology view, the e-learning system is an objective and singular. Furthermore, collecting data to analyse the e-learning system success in this research proves that it is positivism based on epistemology view. However, investigating students attitude can use interpretivism but it is reasonable with positivism. 3.2. Research approach Due to positivistic philosophy and the research questions to test theory and the prior researches discussed in the literature review chapter, this research is suitable with deductive approach. This approach includes 5 progressive stages: (1) inferring hypotheses from the theory (test relationship among variables in the e-learning system success); (2) proposing the relationships among variables in this research (e.g. users attitude positive impacting on system acceptance); (3) testing operational hypotheses (using statistical software to estimate hypotheses); (4) discussing the outcome to confirm the theory; and (5) altering the theory based on the findings (Robson, 2002 cited in Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012, p.124-125). Furthermore, the detailed progress of this research based on this deductive approach is illustrated in figure 3.2 (Maylor and Blackmon, 2005). Figure 0.: The deductive approach process (Maylor and Blackmon, 2005,p.56) 3.3. Research strategy Creswell (2008) stated that research strategy significantly influence on the direction of the research, as a result, the choice of research strategy is essential in research progress. The factors impact on the selected strategy including the research questions and objective, the choice of research philosophy, research approach and other resources such as time constraint, finance or data access (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). Due to the selected deductive approach, experiment, survey, ground theory or case study are the research strategies that can be applied for this research. Experiment strategy tends to concentrate on a specific group. Moreover, case study is often used in specific research for a period of time. Hence, both experiment strategy and case study are not suitable for this study due to of the research questions. Because this study is developed on the previous researches in difference context, the ground theory strategy is not appropriate with this research. On the other hand, the survey approach is the most rational choice for this research within limited time. Survey strategy can be defined as a specific sampling from the population and the structured questionnaires are designed to test theory (Malhotra and Birks, 2007). This strategy is suitable to test the relationships between variables in research objectives using quantitative data method (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). In additi on, this survey strategy also appropriate with cross-sectional time horizon studies (Easterby-Smith et al. 2008; Robson 2002 cited in Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). Alternatively, the survey strategy also has some limitations such as irrelevant or inaccurate responses of the questionnaire or possibly insufficient sample. The number of responses may not achieve the target of at least 95% of confidential level because people are not able or willing to answers the questionnaire (Girden and Kabacoff, 2010). Understanding the potential drawbacks of the survey strategy is vital that result in well preparing in data collection plan. 3.4. Research choices Due to the selected positivistic research philosophy as well as deductive approach, the mono method with quantitative approach is the research choice of this study. Using mono method seems to be adequate because this is not ground theory and experiment research strategy. Additionally, referring the section 2.2 of the literature review chapter, the mono method with only quantitative research approach tends to be used in almost previous researches to measure the e-learning system success and to test the research model. Hence, the theory and research framework of based on previous researches are tested in this research in the context of the University of Southampton with the quantitative approach. 3.5. Time horizon This research has been conducted in three months. Thus, it is appropriate with cross-sectional time horizon owing to time constraint. Cross-sectional researches are appropriate to study specific phenomenon at specific time while longitudinal researches are suitable to study change and development over a long period of time (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). 3.6. Research design: Data collection and data analysis This  section aims to describe detail about the quantitative approach to collect and analyse primary data with sampling method, questionnaire design, pilot testing, data collection and data analysis sub-sections. 3.6.1. Sampling method The context of this research is the University of Southampton. Therefore, all students and alumni of the University who has used the e-learning system at the University can participate on this research. Due to applying survey research strategy in this research, the most suitable sampling method for this study can be probability samples. Based on the probability sampling method (another name is representative sampling), the research questions and objectives can be achieved by evaluating statistically the characteristics of the population from the sample (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012, p.213). In this research, the population which is all students using the e-learning system at the University of Southampton is generalised from the sample which is the students participating in the questionnaire. The most appropriate sampling technique for this study is simple random sampling but the sampling frame size and the cost and time consuming of this sampling technique is high (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). Hence, multi-stage can be used as the sampling technique to save time and cost. In the first stage of this sampling technique, the list of schools at the University of Southampton is drawn. Then, in the second stage, a simple random sample of students can be selected by chosen schools. In fact, the selected schools may be not random because it is not acceptance to help of all schools at the University to broadcast the survey to their students. This study uses online questionnaire as a result of sharing questionnaire easily via emails or social network (such as Facebook). Indeed, several schools at the University are willing to help sending the questionnaire to all their students email. Higher Education Statistic Agency summary that there are more than 23,000 students at the University of Southampton in 2010/2011 (HESA, 2012). Thus, the population in this study can be more than 100 thousands because both students and alumni has been used the e-learning system at the University since at least 4 years. This research targets to achieve 95 per cent confidence level and 5 per cent margin of error. Thus, referring to figure about sample sizes for different sizes of population at a 95 confidence level, the minimum sample size is 383 (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012, p.219). 3.6.2. Questionnaire design Designing a questionnaire is a vital stage in data collection technique to support positivism methodology, deductive approach and survey strategy in business and management research (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). The questionnaire technique is used to test the reliability and validity of hypotheses proposed from research objectives and research framework (Neuman and Neuman, 2011). There are many benefits of using questionnaire technique in research. For instance, it is an effective and economical approach to collect primary data (Patten, 2001). It also provide clear result in tabular to analyse easily (ibid.). Moreover, it can be managed anonymously and asynchronously (ibid.). The type of questionnaire in this research is self-administrated online questionnaire due to the convenience and effectiveness of broadcasting as well as preparing data. The online questionnaire is designed on the iSurvey platform which is endorsed by the University of Southampton ( Because iSurvey is a high quality tool and many advantages such as no cost, secure, friendly interface, ease of use, reliability and stability, it is used to design questionnaire by almost students of the University. Following the questionnaire research a practical guide of Patten (2011), the designed questions are clear, short, simple and avoided common errors. Due to the willing help and limited time of participants, only necessary questions are presented in the questionnaire. Moreover, the questionnaire is designed with a short time to complete (around 10 minutes). The validity of questions in questionnaire can lead to accurate data after collecting, and the reliability means the consistence of collected data (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). Bourque and Clark (1994, cited in Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012) stated three effective methods to design individual questions that are adopting questions used in other questionnaires; adapting questions used in other questionnaires; and developing own questions. Thus, rich literature review significantly supports questionnaire design with high reliability and validity because the questions in questionnaires are tested in the previous researches. Moreover, clear questions in questionnaire are recommended to discuss with others and test pilot studies (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). The questionnaire is designed with three sections. The first section to ask about the basic information of participant, the most important question in this section is that Have/had you used the e-learning system (Blackboard, Moodle, Medis, ECS, or others) of the University of Southampton? If participant select option No, they will complete the questionnaire. At the second section, the questions are self-developed question to conduct descriptive statistic regarding using e-learning system of students to facilitate their KM. The content of these questions in this section is classified by attribute and behaviour. These questions based on the theory on literature review regarding e-learning system success and KM. They also have been recommended by friends who are studying PhD and have much experience with questionnaire design; and test in pilot study. The final section in the questionnaire aims to test the research framework and research hypotheses. This section includes 32 items and all adopt 5-point Likert scale (from 1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree). All items are adapted and adopted questions used in prior researches regarding e-learning system success and e-learning system as a tool to support KM (for example, items are referred and adapted from Lin, 2007; Lin, 2007, Liaw, Chen and Huang, 2008; Liaw, Huang and Chen, 2007 ; Wang and Chiu, 2011). The scales have been tested by previous researchers as discuss in the section 2.2 and 2.4 of the literature review chapter. Thus, the reliability and validity of the instruments are high because of revealed in public papers. Furthermore, the participant information sheet and only consent form are stated in the welcome page of the online questionnaire to introduce briefly regarding this research, researcher, research questions, contact of researcher and Ethic Committee, and a participants consent to taking part in the survey. Additionally, the a debriefing page is stated at the ending page of the online questionnaire in order to give thanks to participants as well as introduce briefly about this research such as research hypotheses and papers closely related to this study. The full questionnaire is stated in Appendix 1; and the e-mails which are sent to several schools of the University and to fellow students to collect data are stated in Appendix 1; and. 3.6.3. Pilot testing and assess validity A pilot study (pre-test) conducts a small part of sample to test the questionnaire before delivering the questionnaire to collect primary data from sample. Implementing the pilot test is crucial, especially when researchers lack of experience within designing a survey questionnaire as well as data collection approach (Yin, 2011). According to Vaus (2002), in term of pilot test, individual questionnaire items need to evaluate the variation, meaning, redundancy, scalability, not-response and acquiescent response while the whole questionnaire should test the flow, question skips, timing and interest and attention of respondents. The pilot test also aims to enhance questions in the questionnaire and it can do more than one time. Moreover, after completing the questionnaire, participants of pilot test can comment to refine the questionnaire where which questions can be misunderstood, silly or difficult (Sapsford, 2006). Additionally, the reliability and validity of items in questionnaire can be assessed with the pilot test. Factor analysis also can do in this pre-test to remove low quality items in the questionnaire (Fowler, 2008). The pilot test to improve the questionnaire in this research was conducted two times. At the first time, the questionnaire was designed with only 2 first sections. The link of the questionnaire was sent by email and Facebook to 20 participants which are students at the University of Southampton. After that, some respondents gave much valuable feedback used to enhance the instruction as well as individual questions in the questionnaire. Because of almost self-developed questions in section 2 of the questionnaire, some questions were recommended by participants who have much experience in designing survey and statistic research. For example, in the question to ask about benefits of using e-mail function of the e-learning system, the kind of question should be changed from multiple choice questions to check box question because respondents can want to select all options. Another example is that some questions such as Yes or No questions had been improved to the open ended questions to i nvestigate in deep why Yes or No option is selected. On the other hand, some participants who studying in English subject at faculty of Humanities at the University had contributed much valuable advice regarding the language including grammar and words choice of the instruction part as well as individual questions. Additionally, the overall appearance and organisation of the questionnaire had been commented. The time consuming to complete the two sections of the questionnaire was calculated in this first pilot test around 4 minutes. After conducting the pilot test, individual questions were changed to be clearer and easier to understand. At the second time of the pilot testing, the completed questionnaire had been design with the final section. Because 50(+/-20) is the typical sample size at the pre-test stage, the link of the questionnaire was sent to another 40 students (Cooper and Schindler, 2010). After that, there are 32 completed answers with no missing from participants because having 02 PhD students do not use the e-learning system at the University and 6 missing answers. The alert participants if they have left any questions blank function of the iSurvey was not turned on that is the main reason of missing answers in pilot test. Therefore, this function is setup in the main data collection. From the data collection, the consistence of the multi-item scales question was tested by SPSS. This pilot data is also very useful to study data analysis in practice with SPSS and AMOS model test software. Furthermore, overall feedback from almost respondents about the questionnaire is that all questions are clear and ea sy to understand because the questions in the first two sections had been updated after the first pilot test and all questions in section three have been adapted and adopted from prior researches. Statistic from iSurvey administrative site, from 8 to 10 minutes is a typical time to complete the questionnaire. 3.6.4. Data collection The completed questionnaire version, the Ethic, Risk, consent forms, the information sheet and debriefing sheet has been submitted to the Ethic committee. After approved by this committee, the questionnaire is broadcasted to students and alumni at the University of Southampton. Initially, e-mail including the questionnaire link is sent to all schools at the University in order to request a help spreading out the questionnaire to students at these schools via the e-mail system of the University (Appendix 2). Several schools (such as English, Music, Modern language at the faculty of Humanities; Law and Management school at the faculty of Business and Law; faculty of Medicine; Education, Mathematics and Social Sciences school at the faculty of Social and Human Sciences) have been agreed and helped to send the questionnaire to all their students. They replied a confirmation e-mail while some other schools sent a sorry e-mail which means cannot help to deliver the online questionnaire. Secondly, the link of the questionnaire is shared to some Facebook fan page of the University of Southampton such as the University of Southampton Alumni, SUSU group, Southampton Management School Alumni fan page; and some Facebook group such as Vietnamese Society at the University of Southampton group; Badminton, Tennis and Table Tennis at the University of Southampton group. The data are collected during 15 days from the 2nd of August to the 16th of August 2012. 3.6.5. Data analysis Both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics to analyse quantitative data are used in this research. Initially, this study conducts descriptive statistics to report the averages, the dispersion, and the central tendencies of the data collected (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012). After that, the research framework and hypotheses are tested by two-phased approach for Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) (Schumacker and Lomax, 2004; Hair et al. 2006 cited in Wang and Chiu, 2011). In term of technology for data analysis, Microsoft Excel, IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) and IBM AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software are used. SPSS which is well-known computer programme widely used to carry out statistical analysis in Social Science. AMOS also is a powerful tool and easy-to-use with graphical interface design to analyse model fit. Thus, using these tools can accomplish quickly the results with the highest accuracy. However, lack of basic skills in using SPSS and AMOS software can be the problem affecting the research progress. Nonetheless, due to the booming sharing knowledge in the internet, many online instruction video clips are available on Youtube and tutorials in the internet today. Thus, these tools can be controlled fundamentally in the short period of time. The strategy to analyse data is stated below: Analyse the descriptive statistic in SPSS Test the reliability of items by using reliability analysis in SPSS Analyse factor analysis to find and delete the unnecessary items in SPSS Conduct confirmation factor analysis (CFA) to measure research framework in AMOS Evaluate structure research framework and calculate hypotheses in AMOS. 3.7. Summary This chapter explained about the selected research method base on the theory, literature review and the research questions and objectives. This research is appropriate with positivistic philosophy and deductive approach. Mono method with quantitative approach is suitable choice to conduct this research. Cross-sessional is the time horizon determined for this research. This chapter also discuss detail regarding data collection and analysis with choosing sampling technique, designing questionnaire, testing pilot study, collecting data strategy and analysing data strategy.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Teaching Philosophy as Education and Evaluation of Thinking Essay

ABSTRACT: Teaching philosophy and critical thinking is one of the main ways to clearly reaffirm the value of human persons and of goodness and freedom. It is not sufficient to propose a philosophical message, but we must teach it systematically (curriculum) with a real synergy between teachers and parents. We must also build a curriculum, which includes an evaluation model based on clear goals and objectives: the intermediate and final evaluation and assessment will enable us to be sure that we have reached our aim. It is also necessary to verify every step, evaluate it and compare it to the criteria (general project, goals, objectives) we put in our mind and use in our teaching. This critical evaluation needs methods and some teaching instruments described herein. The final philosophical education will be much stabler and assure us about our scientific and formative project. I. Teaching Philosophy Philosophical thinking includes an educational dimension, according to the dialogical structure of human thinking. First of all a preliminary question: is philosophy teaching and learning possible? This is the main problem, from Socrates to today: if a science exists and can be transmitted: without any objective and universal philosophical knowing about justice, goodness, truth, man becomes the measure of all things (according to Protagoras; science becomes sensation and human knowing is under subjectivism. But it's possible to get truth by dialogue: then it is also possible teaching and philosophically thinking using argumentation and research of universal ideas, transcending simple and unfounded opinions (CIFUENTES, 1997 #4922). This thesis, from Plato to Kant and German idealism (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel) seems the main scient... ...Three Tests of Critical Thinking, in  «Journal of Experimental Education », 29, 2, Dec, 177-182, 1960. RUST V. I., JONES R. S., KAISER H. F., A Factor-Analytic Study of Critical Thinking, in  «The Journal of Educational Research », 55, 6, 252-259, 1962. SMITH B. O., The Improvement of Critical Thinking, in  «Progressive Education », 30, 5, March, 129-134, 1953. WALLEN N. E., HAUBRICH V. F., REID I. E., The Outcomes of Curriculum Modifications Designed to Foster Critical Thinking, in  «The Journal of Educatinal Research », 56, 10 (Jul-Aug), 529-534, 1963. WATSON G., GLASER E. M., Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, Harcourt, Brasce and World, New York 1964. WILSON D. G., WAGNER E. E., The Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal as a Predictor of Performance in a Critical Thinking Course, in  «Educational and Psychological Measurement », 1319-1322, 1981.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The First World War (WWI) - Trench Warfare :: World War 1 I One

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During World War I, trench warfare was very common. It was a newer technique in battles as in wars prior to the Great World War, fighting was less invasive and men merely marched at each other from opposite ends of fields and fought until only one side remained standing or a white flag was hung high in surrender. In fact in older wars, the fighting was far less dangerous to the point where battles were often times viewed by locals who watched from side lines with really no threat of getting hurt. In World War I however, the fighting had upscaled to the most sadistic type the world had ever experienced. With the industrialist wave that had overcome us in the late 1800s into the early 1900s, many technological advancements made the war a lot harsher of a scenario. Mass weaponry was being created in factories all across Europe to use for the war, and so the â€Å"old wars,† of much less casualties and danger were in the past, and the â€Å"new war,† or first World War was at the present, with heavy war machinery and severe casualties. The picture in the Stearns text book on page 808 displays a group of soldiers during World War I in the trenches, their homes and in most cases-their death beds during combat.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this picture it is clear to see that life in the trenches was dismal and uncomfortable. Trenches were basically dug out pieces of land that soldiers fought from and sought refuge in upon returning attacks. They were not fun places to live and consisted of numbers of men packed tightly together in constant fear of their lives being taken from them before they could ever return home to their families, if they were lucky enough to reach that day! Through the expressions on these men’s faces in the picture, one can see that the trenches were very uncomfortable and unlively. The men look dirty and tired in their cave like surroundings. Disenchanted with the lives they led and the war they were there to fight, the soldiers do not look at ease or positive about their current situation. They sit cramped on the ground with no smiles or grins for the photographer of this picture. There is rubble all around them, somewhat signifying their lives as they miss their homes and families and watch their closest friends die or suffer from deadly battle wounds beside them.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Downfall Of The Middle Ages :: essays research papers

The Downfall of the Middle Ages There were many reasons for the downfall for the Middle Ages, but the most crucial ones were the decline of the feudal system, and the declination of the Church's power over the nation-states. In feudal society, everyone had a definite place and a definite role, with the power resting in the hands of the local lords (instead of a central government). The lords, or nobles, lost power after the Crusades, when the Europeans came into contact with the more advanced civilizations of the Byzantine Empire and the Muslims. That spurred the growth of trade, which in turn gave rise to a money system. The money system in turn caused the birth of a middle class, which didn't fit anywhere into the feudal system. It was made up of the serfs and peasants that left the feudal system in search of making money in trade. For the middle class, the king granted Charters, made a uniform law, started banking, offered protection, and expanded territory. In return, the middle class payed taxes to the king. While t his money economy grew, the feudal lords were put into an economic squeeze. As one may see, that didn't leave much of a place for the nobles, who were rapidly losing power. Another thing that contributed to their loss of power was the enforcement of Common Law, which applied throughout the kingdom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effects of the Hundred Years' War hastened the decline of the feudal system. The use of the longbow and firearms made the feudal methods of fighting obsolete. Monarchs replaced feudal soldiers with national armies made up of hired soldiers. Finally, threats to the monarchy decreased as a result of the large number of nobles killed in the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another major factor that contributed to the end of the Middle Ages was the declination of the Church's power over the nation-states. Conflicts between the papacy and the monarchy over political matters resulted people losing faith in the Church. Events like the Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism further weakened the Church's influence over the peole. Aside from that, people were disgusted at the actions of the corrupt church officials. They would charge the people money for all church services, and they also allowed church positions to be bought. The princely lifestyle of the clergy further eroded regard for the church. While some still believed that religion held all the answers, others were beginning to put faith into reason and science. The uncertainty of the existance of God made people question the Church. Perhaps one of the most vital blows to the Church was the printing of the Bible in the

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Alvin Ailey

Gerald L. Archard November 22, 2010 2nd block dance 2 Dance Pioneers, Companies, and Choreographers Alvin Ailey Alvin Ailey, Jr. was an African American modern dancer, dance teacher and choreographer, who founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Ailey was a gifted creator of dance expressing the African American cultural experience and history. His choreographic works live on in performances by the company he founded. The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater toured extensively and regularly in Europe and Asia during Ailey's lifetime, making Ailey a familiar name worldwide.His works continue to inspire, uplift, educate, and communicate brilliance to all who witness them. One of his best known works, the choreographic masterpiece, Revelations, based on Ailey's experience growing up as an African American in the South, consistently brings audiences to their feet in enthusiastic, spontaneous ovation. Ailey was born to his 17-year-old mother, Lula Cooper, in Rogers, Texas. His father abandoned the family when Alvin was only a few months old. Ailey's mother was determined to make a better life for herself and child. She moved numerous times in Ailey's early years.One of the constants in Alvin's childhood was attendance at the True Vine Baptist Church. His mother sang in the choir. Ailey's immersion in the experience of charismatic and enthusiastic worship filled with gospel music and traditional spiritual songs had a lasting affect. Later in life, he choreographed dances to some of the music he first heard as a churchgoing youngster. In 1943, he and his mother moved to Los Angeles, California. Alvin was fourteen years old then. His mother worked often. The teen used his freedom after school to explore the city.Ailey was drawn to the music from the big band jazz clubs while the musicians practiced for their evening shows. He was also drawn to the theater marquees announcing upcoming shows like Billie Holliday, Duke Ellington, and others. One day he spotted a hand bill with a photo of Katherine Dunham, a dancer costumed in layers and layers of ruffles. At the time, Dunham's dance troupe was the only group of dancers touring and performing dances from Africa, Haiti, and Latin America. Ailey's curiosity was so intense that he found himself peeking in the stage door to catch sight of the performance of Dunham's Tropical Revue.This was the beginning of Ailey's lifelong passion for dance. Alvin began hanging around the stage door of the theater during the run of Dunham's show. He was there so often that one of the dancers invited him backstage and into the auditorium to watch. This introduction led him to study dance. Initially, Alvin took dance classes in the style and method of choreographer and dancer Katherine Dunham, from a student of hers. However, he was not really comfortable with this style that involved abandoning oneself to sensuous full body movement.Later, he was introduced to dance teacher Lester Horton. Horton had a dance school in nearby in Hollywood and his style was more straightforward. After seeing the school performance of fellow Jefferson High School student and Horton protege, Carmen de Lavallade, Alvin signed on with Horton. Lavallade was to be a lifelong friend and colleague of Ailey's. While studying with Horton, Ailey pursued college courses in the Romance languages. At various times Ailey was enrolled at the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles City College, and the University of California, Berkeley.He studied the writings of James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, and Carson McCullers. His scholarly pursuits led him away from Lester Horton's school. In late summer of 1951, Ailey left for San Francisco to work and go to school. He soon befriended a young singer and dancer by the name of Margareurite Angelos (Maya Angelou). The two worked up a nightclub act called â€Å"Al and Rita. † They performed occasionally, and Ailey earned a living waiting tables and dancing at the New Orleans Champagne Supper Club. It was here that he first began choreographing acts of his own.This experience also marked the end of his college pursuits. Ailey started his own dance company in 1958, featuring primarily African American dancers. The company was invited back to Ted Shawn's summer dance festival in Massachusetts, in the summer of 1959. Following the stint, Susan Pimsleur, a concert manager offered to add the Ailey dancers to her roster. She laid out a plan for tours and concerts and designed a brochure, calling the company the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. A third concert at the 92nd Street YMCA was planned for January 31, 1960.It was during this performance that Ailey first staged his signature work, Revelations. The piece came from a very deep place within Ailey's psyche. The performance was an intense expression of heavenly faith, earthly despair, and unquenchable humanity. From its very first performance that January day, the audience jumped to their feet with a res ounding ovation. The producer of the dance program at the YMCA finally went on to the stage to silence the audience and announce that due to the overwhelming response of the audience, a second performance would be scheduled, an unprecedented fro that venue.In 1961, the United States Department of State approached Ailey, and invited him to travel in Southeast Asiaa for a thirteen week tour produced by the President's Special International Program for Cultural Presentations. Ailey accepted the invitation. He gathered dancers including some from his Horton days, including de Lavallade, Truitte and others. This was the first of many successful tours by the company. In a three years, Ailey had created a company and a body of work that communicated powerfully and conveyed to the world the beauty and universality of art and its rightful place in American culture.Alvin wrote in program notes for one of the tours, â€Å"The cultural heritage of the American Negro is one of America's richest treasures. â€Å"Ailey integrated his dance company in 1963. He also did some acting and directing. One notable production he directed was Langston Hughes’s Jericho-Jim Crow (1964). In summer of 1965, Ailey spotted Judith Jamison, a strikingly tall dancer with a strong foundation in ballet, at an audition he was attending. Ailey saw something special in her and tracked her down to invite her to join the company. She accepted, and today it is Jamison who runs the AAADT.Presented around the world by the Ailey's dance theater, the choreographic masterpiece Revelations, which is based on Ailey's experience growing up as an African American in the South, is among the best known and most frequently seen of modern dance performances. This piece ‘speaks' to audiences of all stripes in such a profound and inspiring way that audiences often leap to their feet in ovation at the close of the performance. It is a timeless portrayal of the experience of the American south of the fi rst half of the twentieth century.Ailey has been memorialized by the renaming of West 61st Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues in New York City as â€Å"Alvin Ailey Way;† the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater was located on that block at 211 West 61st Street from 1989 until 2005, when it moved to a new, bigger facility at the corner of West 55th Street and Ninth Avenue. In 1987, Ailey received the Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award. The citation on the award read, â€Å"To Alvin Ailey, dancer teacher and choreographer, whose work is generated from the heart and powered by passion; he stands as a model of artistic integrity.An American, informed by the Black experience, Mr. Ailey's choreography presses through cultural lines and speaks a universal language. His dances, whether sassy, sad, witty or lyrical, have brought joy and a sense of purpose to people throughout the world. Alvin Ailey's consistent artistic achievements have insured him a place as a giant in the history of American modern dance. † His longtime friend, Harry Belafonte presented the award. Ailey was awarded the Kennedy Center Honors in 1988. Alvin Ailey Gerald L. Archard November 22, 2010 2nd block dance 2 Dance Pioneers, Companies, and Choreographers Alvin Ailey Alvin Ailey, Jr. was an African American modern dancer, dance teacher and choreographer, who founded the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. Ailey was a gifted creator of dance expressing the African American cultural experience and history. His choreographic works live on in performances by the company he founded. The Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater toured extensively and regularly in Europe and Asia during Ailey's lifetime, making Ailey a familiar name worldwide.His works continue to inspire, uplift, educate, and communicate brilliance to all who witness them. One of his best known works, the choreographic masterpiece, Revelations, based on Ailey's experience growing up as an African American in the South, consistently brings audiences to their feet in enthusiastic, spontaneous ovation. Ailey was born to his 17-year-old mother, Lula Cooper, in Rogers, Texas. His father abandoned the family when Alvin was only a few months old. Ailey's mother was determined to make a better life for herself and child. She moved numerous times in Ailey's early years.One of the constants in Alvin's childhood was attendance at the True Vine Baptist Church. His mother sang in the choir. Ailey's immersion in the experience of charismatic and enthusiastic worship filled with gospel music and traditional spiritual songs had a lasting affect. Later in life, he choreographed dances to some of the music he first heard as a churchgoing youngster. In 1943, he and his mother moved to Los Angeles, California. Alvin was fourteen years old then. His mother worked often. The teen used his freedom after school to explore the city.Ailey was drawn to the music from the big band jazz clubs while the musicians practiced for their evening shows. He was also drawn to the theater marquees announcing upcoming shows like Billie Holliday, Duke Ellington, and others. One day he spotted a hand bill with a photo of Katherine Dunham, a dancer costumed in layers and layers of ruffles. At the time, Dunham's dance troupe was the only group of dancers touring and performing dances from Africa, Haiti, and Latin America. Ailey's curiosity was so intense that he found himself peeking in the stage door to catch sight of the performance of Dunham's Tropical Revue.This was the beginning of Ailey's lifelong passion for dance. Alvin began hanging around the stage door of the theater during the run of Dunham's show. He was there so often that one of the dancers invited him backstage and into the auditorium to watch. This introduction led him to study dance. Initially, Alvin took dance classes in the style and method of choreographer and dancer Katherine Dunham, from a student of hers. However, he was not really comfortable with this style that involved abandoning oneself to sensuous full body movement.Later, he was introduced to dance teacher Lester Horton. Horton had a dance school in nearby in Hollywood and his style was more straightforward. After seeing the school performance of fellow Jefferson High School student and Horton protege, Carmen de Lavallade, Alvin signed on with Horton. Lavallade was to be a lifelong friend and colleague of Ailey's. While studying with Horton, Ailey pursued college courses in the Romance languages. At various times Ailey was enrolled at the University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles City College, and the University of California, Berkeley.He studied the writings of James Baldwin, Langston Hughes, and Carson McCullers. His scholarly pursuits led him away from Lester Horton's school. In late summer of 1951, Ailey left for San Francisco to work and go to school. He soon befriended a young singer and dancer by the name of Margareurite Angelos (Maya Angelou). The two worked up a nightclub act called â€Å"Al and Rita. † They performed occasionally, and Ailey earned a living waiting tables and dancing at the New Orleans Champagne Supper Club. It was here that he first began choreographing acts of his own.This experience also marked the end of his college pursuits. Ailey started his own dance company in 1958, featuring primarily African American dancers. The company was invited back to Ted Shawn's summer dance festival in Massachusetts, in the summer of 1959. Following the stint, Susan Pimsleur, a concert manager offered to add the Ailey dancers to her roster. She laid out a plan for tours and concerts and designed a brochure, calling the company the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. A third concert at the 92nd Street YMCA was planned for January 31, 1960.It was during this performance that Ailey first staged his signature work, Revelations. The piece came from a very deep place within Ailey's psyche. The performance was an intense expression of heavenly faith, earthly despair, and unquenchable humanity. From its very first performance that January day, the audience jumped to their feet with a res ounding ovation. The producer of the dance program at the YMCA finally went on to the stage to silence the audience and announce that due to the overwhelming response of the audience, a second performance would be scheduled, an unprecedented fro that venue.In 1961, the United States Department of State approached Ailey, and invited him to travel in Southeast Asiaa for a thirteen week tour produced by the President's Special International Program for Cultural Presentations. Ailey accepted the invitation. He gathered dancers including some from his Horton days, including de Lavallade, Truitte and others. This was the first of many successful tours by the company. In a three years, Ailey had created a company and a body of work that communicated powerfully and conveyed to the world the beauty and universality of art and its rightful place in American culture.Alvin wrote in program notes for one of the tours, â€Å"The cultural heritage of the American Negro is one of America's richest treasures. â€Å"Ailey integrated his dance company in 1963. He also did some acting and directing. One notable production he directed was Langston Hughes’s Jericho-Jim Crow (1964). In summer of 1965, Ailey spotted Judith Jamison, a strikingly tall dancer with a strong foundation in ballet, at an audition he was attending. Ailey saw something special in her and tracked her down to invite her to join the company. She accepted, and today it is Jamison who runs the AAADT.Presented around the world by the Ailey's dance theater, the choreographic masterpiece Revelations, which is based on Ailey's experience growing up as an African American in the South, is among the best known and most frequently seen of modern dance performances. This piece ‘speaks' to audiences of all stripes in such a profound and inspiring way that audiences often leap to their feet in ovation at the close of the performance. It is a timeless portrayal of the experience of the American south of the fi rst half of the twentieth century.Ailey has been memorialized by the renaming of West 61st Street between Amsterdam and Columbus Avenues in New York City as â€Å"Alvin Ailey Way;† the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater was located on that block at 211 West 61st Street from 1989 until 2005, when it moved to a new, bigger facility at the corner of West 55th Street and Ninth Avenue. In 1987, Ailey received the Samuel H. Scripps American Dance Festival Award. The citation on the award read, â€Å"To Alvin Ailey, dancer teacher and choreographer, whose work is generated from the heart and powered by passion; he stands as a model of artistic integrity.An American, informed by the Black experience, Mr. Ailey's choreography presses through cultural lines and speaks a universal language. His dances, whether sassy, sad, witty or lyrical, have brought joy and a sense of purpose to people throughout the world. Alvin Ailey's consistent artistic achievements have insured him a place as a giant in the history of American modern dance. † His longtime friend, Harry Belafonte presented the award. Ailey was awarded the Kennedy Center Honors in 1988.

Friday, August 16, 2019

History of Graphics

As a doctor in Montreal, Bethink frequently sought out the poor and gave them free medical care. As a thoracic surgeon, he traveled to Spain (1936? 1 937) and to China (1938-1939) to perform battlefield surgical operations on war casualties. Created by Ghana Sin Guy. Huber People's Publishing House. [107] Culture and politics[edit] This magazine cover reproduced from an Orlando poster by Gusty Novel, depicts four famous Iranian writers of the 20th century (Gala Assam Bearing, All- Kafka Deckhand, and Sadie Headway). In order to create this color scheme the artist uses only two colors (orange and green) over a yellow background.By using a circular arrangement of faces she tries to achieve a balanced (1971). Richard Evaded was an American photographer. Evaded capitalized on his early success in fashion photography and expanded into the realm of fine art. This is a salaried poster portraits of the Battles, originally produced for 9 January 1967 edition of the American magazine Look. The Barack Obama â€Å"hope† poster is an Iconic Image of Barack Obama designed by artist Sheppard Faller. The Image became one of the most widely recognized symbols of Beam's campaign message, spawning many variations and imitations, including some commissioned by the Obama campaign.In January 2009, after Obama had won the election, Fairy's mixed-media stencil portrait version of the Image was acquired by the Smithsonian Institution for Its National Portrait Gallery. This political poster by Sociopath ?r L © about Ulster. Andrew Pavlov's poster of Poet IMMUNOASSAY (2003). This poster is a graphic 1 OFF (Constructivism) was almost always in demand in Russia and it can become one of principal trends now. Some of the contemporary Russian artists and art historians have already suggested the new term – Additive Constructivism.It emphasizes the return to modernism, which starts to significantly push out the postmodern art practices. It's not a postmodern performance. The Co nstructivist color solution proves that so it is. Do Computer aided graphic design in posters[edit] With the arrival of computer aided graphic design an assortment of novel effects, digital techniques, and innovative styles have been emerged in poster designs. With software such as Adobe Photos, Corer and Windows' Paint program, image editing as become very cheap, and artists can experiment easily with a variety of color schemes, filters and special effects.For instance, utilizing various filters of Photos, many artists have created â€Å"vectored† designs in posters where a photographic image is socialized, sharpened, rendered into watercolors or stained glass effects or converted into bare lines with block colors. Other designs created soft or blurry styles, ripple or cascade effects and other special filters. Advertising[edit] Graphic design is used in advertising to announce a persuasive message by an identified sponsor; or a promotion by a firm of its products to its exi sting and potential customers.Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and ancient Arabia. Lost and found advertising on papyrus was common in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. [110] Advertising in the 19th century[edit] This advertising flier from 1806 is for a traditional medicine called Keynesian.Display in the Eddo Tokyo Museum. This is a 19th-century advertising poster for the hydrotherapy baths of Bagels De Loren (France). This is a playbill for Perhaps Opera Vocalists, 1856. This poster from the second half of the asses advertises for Buffalo Bill's Wild West show, advertising â€Å"Miss Annie Oakley, the peerless lady wing-shot†. Advertising in the early 20th century[edit] T his is a French poster for Deadbeat et Alleviate. The Deadbeat & Alleviate was a French automobile, manufactured in Lyon from 1894 to 1901.This is a German poster by Frizz Ream for Leafier Cigarettes (published 1896-1900) Hanson Troupe in the most astonishing mid-air achievements ever accomplished. † â€Å"Drink Coca-Cola SC†, an asses advertising poster showing a woman in fancy clothes (partially vaguely influenced by 16th- and 17th-century styles) drinking Coke. German Plastic, â€Å"Poster style†[edit] In the early 20th century, Germany became the cradle of many of the avian-garden art movements particularly for posters. This created the â€Å"Plastic† or â€Å"Poster style† movement. This movement became very influential and had a considerable impact n the graphic design for posters.Posters in this style would feature few but strong colors, a sharp, non-cluttered, minimal composition and bold, clear types. [111] Ludwig Howling[edit] Howling Kara te Corps Germanic Munched 1913. JPG Ludwig Howling was born in Germany in 1874. He was trained and practiced as an architect until 1906 when he switched to poster design. Hellion's adaptations of photographic images was based on a deep and intuitive understanding of graphical principles. His creative use of color and architectural compositions dispels any suggestion that he uses photos as a substitute for creative design. Or Requite Praline Tea c. 920-1926. Howling was born in the Rhine-Main region of Germany, though he and his work are associated with Munich and Bavaria in southern Germany. There were two schools of Cheeseburger's in Germany at the time, North and South. Hellion's high tonal contrasts and a network of interlocking shapes made his work instantly recognizable. Poster historian Lain We'll comments that â€Å"Howling was the most prolific and brilliant German posterior of the 20th century†¦ Beginning with his first efforts, Howling found his style with disconcert ing facility. It would vary little for the next forty years.The drawing was perfect from the start, nothing seemed alien to him, and in any case, nothing posed a problem for him. His figures are full of touches of color and a play of light and shade that brings them out of their background and gives them substance†[112] Lucian Bernhard[edit] With nothing to lose, Lucian Bernhard entered a poster contest for the Priest Match Company. The Judges, found this poster bizarre, and ignored it. However Ernst Growled, sales manager for Berlins leading proto-advertising agency and poster renter, saw the discarded poster and exclaimed: â€Å"This is my first prize.